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1 May 2022 · 1 min read

The Journey of this heartbeat.

This silence has its own language, which I am trying to understand.
Let the silence say everything silently without any further command!
The night loves to adorn a few dreams on my eyelashes,
And the dreams conspire to steal my sleep whenever any light flashes!
The feet are destined to cover the miles of distance,
Destiny loves to die to cover our separate existence!
Every breath decides to become a part of our fragrance,
And the fragrance loves to vanish in your magical essence!
You have met me like a wild storm in the Pacific Ocean,
And the Pacific wants to include you in its habit and emotion!
The dusk likes to touch the horizon with our intense conversation,
And the conversations want to be continued on your specific sensation!
The soul wants not to lose you, once the hearts meet,
Or it prays to Him to end the journey of this heartbeat!

Language: English
Tag: Poem
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