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11 Feb 2022 · 2 min read

The Guardian By Nicolas Sparks

Every coin has two sides. The novel of Nicolas Sparks proves the truth. He tried to show us the obsession of a psychopath, who can make anyone’s life hell. He also pointed out the fact of upbringing. Nurturing a child into a good environment or toxic environment impacts its whole life. He also tried to show us the bond we share with our four-legged kid. Overall the novel leaves a truly emotional and scary impact.
The story starts with a girl named Julie Barenson, whose husband left the world at a very early stage. He left an unexpected gift for her, a Great Dane puppy, whom she called Singer. They both took care of each other in a great way. Four years later when she was trying to restart her life two men came into her life, who could be her perfect match. One of them was Mike Harris and the other was Richard Franklin. Mike was her husband’s best friend, a genuine, down to earth and hardworking mechanic. Richard was a handsome, rich, and extremely sophisticated engineer. Gradually she found her heart in Mike and thought of a beautiful life ahead but the nightmare was waiting for her in a face of Richard. Richard was a toxic and psychopath kind of stalker who made their life hell. With many ups and downs, the novel finally reached a point where Singer become Julie’s Guardian Angel and protected her from the life-threatening terror Richard. Singer died in that encounter so as Richard and left a secure life for Julie and Mike.
Once again Sparks left his readers in tears with his words and emotional way of writing.

Language: English
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