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6 Jan 2023 · 3 min read


DrLakshman Jha Parimal
The dark face of Saudi Arabia is highlighted recently when 18 years old a girl named Ms. Rahaf Mohammed al-Qunun enunciated the Islam religion in her country. She fled from there because her family would kill her.
We had a very wrong conception that Prince Salman intended to give relaxation Saudi women to drive the vehicle permitted them for marketing and allowed them to attend the stadium to see the tournaments.
A prominent Saudi female activist, who campaigned for women’s right to drive, has been sentenced to more than five years in prison. She was given eclectic current and was rapped rapidly in the custody. Saudi Arabia is a completely men-oriented society. And Prince Salman Autocratic giant in the Middle East.
But Saudi Arabia is having a barbarian rule where there is no fundamental right given to the people. Ms. Rahaf Mohammed al-Qunun was held at Bangkok Airport. Initially, she was to be sent back to Kuwait. It is social media that helped her otherwise she will be killed in Saudi Arabia as happened with other girls in the past.
Saudi Prince Salman is involved in journalist Khasojji‘s assassination on 02, Oct 2018. He is also massacring people in Yemen. UNHCR assured her of her asylum in Australia and denied repatriating her to Saudi Arabia.
USA and India have very good relations with Saudi Arabia. It is their responsibility to guide Prince that Apostasy is not a crime at all.
As Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi Arabia has once again shown the dark face to the world by arresting two of the most prominent royal family members: Prince Ahmed bin Abdulaziz, a younger brother of Saudi King Salman, and Prince Mohammed bin Nayef, the king’s nephew and former crown prince. It is completely a part of the maneuver of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. Now he can kill them because he is being supported by the US administration.
Two years back Mr . Jammal Khasojji the prominent journalist was killed by him but Mr . Donald Trump gave full protection to Mohammed bin Salman. It has been raised in UNO also. Trump is a supplier of war arsenal to Saudi Arabia.
Yemen is facing starvation. The children are dying there. While Yemen is destroyed by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. He attacks Iran when Trump shows the green signal. The women are being treated like slaves.
Indian Prime Minister Mr. Modi has been a fan of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman who is considered a WAR CRIMINAL .” What is allotted can not be blotted ” History repeats always.
Now once again Saudi Arabia tried to get sympathy across the world. Non-adults in Saudi Arabia will not be sentenced to death for their crime. But we should be very clear that Saudi Arabia is among the worst countries in the world in terms of human rights abuses. And IT HAS REALLY TWO SETS OF TEETH-ONE TO SHOW OFF AND THE OTHER TO CHEW WITH “
Dr. Lakshman Jha “Parimal “
Sound Health Clinic
S.P.College Road

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