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29 Dec 2021 · 1 min read


Dr. Lakshman Jha”Parimal”
The days are gone when we evaluated the personality traits of friends or persons by conducting conversations and taking an interview .Knowledge power ,logical understanding,positive thinking ,better organization,prompt decision in any complicated situation ,personal hobby ,extracurricular activity and quality to lead the group were judged . But these are confined nowadays with the top class organisations where interviews , group discussions and extempore are conducted to filter the top grade personality. We had also certain conceptions to make our friendships.But this small device has brought tremendous changes in the friendship world . We are being connected with a large circle of friends .We could say that we have Global Friends Circle .Internet provides to be connected with the whole world ….We should not think that the above qualities are not cheeked by our friends of the Facebook .Writing something on the timeline will project everything of our personality .Different people have different opinions. We must pay regard to everyone. So this powerful device is a true assessor to find out the strong personality and identify the right friends !!
Dr. Lakshman Jha”Parimal”
Sound Health Clinic
S.P.College Road

Language: English
Tag: Article

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