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28 Nov 2021 · 3 min read


Dr. Arun Kumar Shastri – ek abodh balak – arun atript
This is life, it is very complicated, you need to be very much conscious in dealing with it. Thou no one is so perfect. I am writing this because I tried every possible way to not to make a mistake but I committed more than 50 % of mistakes in life. I think if you do not make mistakes in life you can never learn in life or never progress in life.
One more thing which is very important in life that is that this life never teaches you beforehand either you learn by watching others very closely and very particular about stepping ahead thinking twice before you take the next step. so you do not commit a mistake.
If you take a specific note of your life people take a step first and then think. So most of the time they ought to do mistakes than by learning from those mistakes they go for an error-free task.
In my life I being a general common person I took this way of working in life so what I presume I come among the 80% of the masses nothing specific only generic. Now after crossing my 40th birthday I learned that if I have to be special in life do some this extra-ordinary, I need to be very particular in my work and objectives. Thus I changed my style of doing work any simple work by nature I was of that kind I do work not like general masses but I do work any work differently, which makes me different from people and this style of mine makes me different from people. Yes, I faced difficulty in my work, every work. But I still adopt doing this way.
I don’t teach you my dear reader how to work, I just share with you how I work, it means how I learn how I work and how I accomplish my job. Through this style of my work also I committed many mistakes and those mistakes are not minor mistakes yet I achieved success in life as a govt servant and as an administrator. I achieved my annual targets financial goals most of them besides many projects are not approved but about 89 % of the projects were approved and were appreciated a lot.
In my life I was associated my work to God yes, I am God-fearing and God-loving person. I love giving all credits of my work to the Almighty and I feel proud in it. I feel when all my life is dependent on Him even every breath I take every single grain of food I eat every single moment I live is because he let me do it, thus all my work is being done by Him.
I have seen people inflated with self-esteem I have seen people inflated with ego I have seen people inflated with and like I, My, Me kind of feeling. That’s their thinking. But I told you I am different so I do a different style of work, as I told you my dear reader I am like that what to do I can’t can’t change God has made me like that …… ha ha ha …..

I am possible i-m-possible

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