Possessiveness is the pleasure derived out of pride possession of any object which has enormous potential value attached to any individual having it .
Possessive value surpasses the utility value of the object .
In fact possessiveness is a kind of obsession which is defined in various terms like Hobby, Collection, Artistic Expression, Vintage Collection, Sophistication ,Passion etc.
Possessiveness to a certain limit is the human quality of expression of emotion; but beyond certain limit it becomes perverted obsession which has negative effect on personality of an individual before others ,
and also affects his mental faculties of reasoning and leads him to negativity of expression.
It is very difficult to mend this attitude, but it is not impossible to control this emotional attribute by limiting to the extent of self realisation by the individual the effect of his unique behaviour on others.
Possessiveness is the human nature which has several factors responsible for such an attribute ie: gene, status,environment of upbringing, social interaction, peer pressure, exhibitionism,showbiz ,profession ;etc.
Finally , it should be concluded that possessiveness is the human quality of life which helps any individual to derive happiness in an unique manner provided the extent limit is in right proportion of passion/hobby /collection/ artistic expression / sophistication , devoid of showbiz of wealth and status.