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4 Mar 2023 · 2 min read


DrLakshman Jha Parimal
Everybody has his own life which has a different way to enjoy. Life becomes easy to fly in the sky. It seems like the whole world is in your fist. This matter is related to personal pleasure.
So, we intend to encourage personal hobbies.
A man is totally incomplete without it. It sharpens the personality.
Anything done in leisure for personal pleasure without any commercial purpose is called a Hobby. Book reading, watching TV, listening to songs and music, composing poems, writing books, sightseeing, blogging, learning new languages, hiking, playing musical instruments, gardening, etc. are different hobbies.
We adopt them at our convenience. The real super personality emerges from it only. It has got a vital impact on the Service Selection Board as well as on other executive services. Apart from it these extracurricular activities and games and sports play an important role in personality development.
The platform of social media like
Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Twitter, etc highlight the performance of individuals. We could easily recognize a man who is having extra qualities. It is not justified to say that this man has no hobby. A man cannot be a complete man without hobbies, extracurricular activities, and games and sports.
We find something different personalities in the platform of social media. They are completely connected with a particular group of a political party. Their flow of ideas, way of thinking, thought system theory, opinion, and theoretical vision make a political figure. It is not at all wrong to be a politician. There would be different thinking.
But it is not called a hobby. The hobby does not make the disputed personality. But it could be also a hobby if we project everything with decency, discipline, and decorum.
DrLakshman Jha Parimal
Sound Health Clinic
S.P. College Road

Language: English
Tag: Article

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