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Corruption is such a venom which has entered in every nook and corner of our Government and Political system. Infact our corrupt politicians are responsible for such a mess. In consideration of vote bank policy and number game in which money power is freely used in purchasing MLA and MPs , is the root cause of proliferation of this evil , motivating common public to be corrupt as a way and means to achieve their goals and ulterior motives. Therefore even well designated positions in Government ,Judiciary system ,Local self Government , and Law and Order system personnels have been addicted to this vice.
First and foremost necessity is Political will and commitment of Governess to eradicate corruption from system and strict and stringent punishment against those involved.
Proper investigative action plan and clean judiciary system providing quick decisions in such cases plugging the legal loop holes , so that culprits may not be in advantegious position due to lacuna in legal system.
Developing the conscience of the people to be honest and sincere for their own well being socity and Nation as a whole.
Thanks !

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