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30 Aug 2022 · 2 min read

not a cup of my tea

dr arun kumar shastri – ek abodh balak – arun atript

* not a cup of my tea *

I tried and tried it more just once but it failed, basically in such matters I do not give 2nd look, but it was love and she had expressed it many time so I thought not to dishearten her after all she is my declared fiancée.

she was so happy that I was trying at least. I am not used to it the coziness of a relationship gives me nauseating feel you know. But for her love and for my life I have to do it. Last time she was with me and it was fantastic feeling it means all is going well and of course I was learning to live in a live-in- relationship and not me she also feel it we were so close skin to skin and sweating. Our breath omg omg running like as we did 100 pushup at one go yet does not want to distract from each other and she is almost fainted. Oh she expressed it as her best comment ‘ see you are so perfect’ and I got a sudden flush of flashes up to my face. I was shying and look on her face as if for the first time we met.

I decided to keep this relationship for long as long as my life is. and I know she has decided already it is evident by her gestures of satisfaction. Since then she never complaint for any thing she absorbed that feel so deep so deep. After that game of intimacy we understood that it is so easy to become a ‘mahiyaa” to some one. Who was some day no one to you.

Next morning she got up early wake me up after freshen up we were out for our routine yoga practice she was wonderful at yoga asana and teaching me to be perfect to this morning I just followed as a good student and it worked like nothing I learned to do mayurasana omg god not easy and she patted me with a shabbasi like a guru. She wore a broadest smile her love and companionship is working and I am following her as an obedient child.

Language: English
Tag: Memoir, Story
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