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16 Sep 2022 · 1 min read

Library and Books

Library and Books

I went out to see the world today
And saw a huge crowd in front of a shop
People were jumping over each other
Not ready to stop.
I enquired what’s the matter?
I was told there is shoe sale; going on going on.
Of a famous company; from far of far of.
I asked what’s so special?
They said it’s latest style in the market
So stay on stay on.
I am of a different style I said
I would prefer a cap instead; I went on went on.
Next I saw a big costly restaurant
There were people wearing stylish shoes and clothes
They invited me in for lunch and said; Come on come on
I said my pocket is empty; I must move on move on.
In the last I saw a library; Open and empty
Which offered me fun, knowledge, wisdom and vitality
And that too all for free.
I wondered why no one entered in there
But I got no answer because buddy
The library was empty from entry door
To the opposite wall, to the opposite wall.
I wondered I must be mad like the hatter and
Like Humpty and Dumpty must have had a fall, had a fall.

Language: English
Tag: Poem, Satire
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