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25 Nov 2024 · 1 min read

I’ve come to realize that I practice something I like to cal

I’ve come to realize that I practice something I like to call “silent cut-offs.” It’s not always dramatic or loud, but it’s a conscious decision to step away from people or situations that no longer align with my values or peace of mind. I don’t always feel the need to explain myself or engage in heated conversations. Sometimes, the most powerful form of communication is simply removing myself from toxic dynamics or unhealthy patterns. I trust my instincts and know when something doesn’t sit right, and instead of dragging it out, I let go quietly, leaving behind what no longer serves me.

It’s not about being passive or avoiding confrontation, but rather about recognizing that some things just aren’t worth fighting for. I’ve learned that when you know what’s right and what’s wrong for you, you don’t have to justify your boundaries or chase validation. The silent cut-off is a form of self-respect—a way of protecting my emotional space without needing to explain every decision. It’s an understanding that sometimes, the healthiest thing you can do is just walk away and trust that the right choices will always speak for themselves.

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