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4 Jun 2022 · 2 min read


DrLakshman Jha Parimal
It is a common tendency for everyone to make Facebook Friends by sending the friend’s request. Everybody wants to increase their Facebook Friends List. We can’t know properly each other. And we don’t even need to know them. We find the maximum number of people who locked their profiles. It is very difficult to know about their overview, work, education, the place lived, contact and basic information, family relationship, details, and life events. But we are haunted to make the battalion of Facebook Friends.
This is the real difference between Physical Friendship and Digital Friendship. It is really hard to establish Physical Friendships rather than Digital Friends. Mutual understanding, cooperation, getting together, and last not least, maintaining secrecy are the strongest pillars of Physical Friendship on which the castle of Physical Friendship is erected. But nothing is required to evaluate the Digital Friendship.
Here, we fixed up the photos of Digital Friends on the wall of Facebook. Everybody is dancing to his tune. So, there is a vital gap among all Facebook Friends. It is time to think to reduce the gap. We can only establish the interaction with all. Some may raise the reluctance to communicate with each and every one. The WORLD WARRIOR Napoleon Bonaparte knew the all names of the soldiers in his Army. He used to call them by proper names.
It is true that we can’t be “The WORLD WARRIOR Napoleon Bonaparte “but at least we can interact by writing, sending the message, furnish the proper biodata properly when it is needed. We should not confine ourselves to a particular language, literature, and script. Google provides everything to go through literature. We miss the opportunity to reply to Facebook associates when someone congratulates us on the occasion of any function. Pay always Regards (PRANAM)and Loves ( NAMASKAR)in writing rather than showing their “THUMBS UP”.
DrLakshman Jha Parimal
Sound Health Clinic
S.P.College Road

Language: English
Tag: Essay
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