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22 Oct 2024 · 1 min read

Innocent love

In a garden where the sunlight spills,
I see your smile, my heart stands still.
Your laughter rings like a gentle stream,
A simple joy, a sweet daydream.

We walk together, hand in hand,
Two souls who don’t yet understand
The weight of words or grown-up fears,
Just sharing smiles, not counting years.

The world is wide, but ours is small,
A secret place where raindrops fall.
We chase the wind, we share the skies,
We speak in glances, not goodbyes.

No promises, no future plans,
Just whispered jokes and touching hands.
Innocent love, like morning’s dew,
Pure as the light that’s shining through.

So let us laugh, and let us play,
For love like this won’t fade away.
A memory made of sunlight’s gleam,
An innocent love, forever a dream.

Language: English
Tag: Poem
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