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15 Dec 2021 · 2 min read

Importance of blended learning

Dear readers ,today I am going to write a blog on the most importantly topic which is”importance of blended learning during and after the pandemic”.I am trying to write it with my full concentration and I hope that you all of readers will be enjoyed in reading my blog on this very very important topic .

Dear friends,as we know that during pandemic,we all were facing many types of difficulties,but in all difficulties,the most worriest problem is about the educational field.For all parents and teachers,it was the matter of more anxiety.All parents had worried about their children’s future,then a new educational system was come out and became very easy and beneficial for all .it is proved like a miracle in the life.

Blended learning has been around for a while and is the combination of traditional face-to face instruction with aspects of online instruction all while students are in the classroom with the teacher. Blended learning strives to provide students the best of both face-to-face and online learning experiences. Blended classrooms include face-to face instruction techniques such as direct instruction or lecture, group discussions, and small-group work while also using technology to provide in-class online learning that students can do at home provided they have access to necessary technology.

Online instruction is often facilitated by a Learning Management System or LMS. An LMS is where the instructor puts all the lessons and activities that students must work through to successfully complete the course.

Typical LMS’s that schools use include Canvas, Schoology, Blackboard, and even Google Classroom. If you’re looking for an LMS that can support gamification, check out Classcraft. Just as whole class discussion and small-group work are staples of face-to-face instruction, discussion forums and asynchronous learning are staples of online learning. Blended classrooms can empower students who are introverted or shy to share their ideas and learn from others using discussion forums where conversations that were started in class can continue well after the class ends.

✍🏼✍🏼✍🏼Khushboo khatoon

Language: English
Tag: Article
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