“Where is a will, there is a way; but where is a family there are too many ways.”
Family and members of a family have a very important role in someone’s successful or unsuccessful life. Success of a man or woman many times or mostly depends on the presence of family and it’s members.
Let say if someone is living with his/her parents or siblings; then he/she will feel more energetic or more motivated to do any task. This will bring a change in his life or in his story of success.
Many times without family or siblings, a person feels like a lost fighter or wounded soldier who is unable to fight or to complete his mission.
So, support of family is very important for a person to be successful man in his life.
I can say ‘family is a soul for the success of family members.’ There are always better opportunities to those who are younger in a family.
But they should also think about their elders.